Oral Surgery: Your First Visit
Before any oral surgery procedure, it’s vital to come in for a consultation. Your initial consultation is a chance for you to learn more about your upcoming procedure. It’s also a time for your doctor’s staff to get the information they need from you. All of this preparation helps us ensure a smooth procedure and a swift recovery. Knowing what to expect before you come can help you make the most of this essential appointment.
What to Bring to Your Consultation
At this first visit, you’ll fill out your paperwork with information about your insurance and your medical history. Be sure to bring along a picture ID and your insurance card. If you have had x-rays taken at a different dentist’s office, arrange to have those sent to our offices if possible. Make a note of any medications you take, both prescription and over-the-counter. This should include the dosages and how often you take them. Be sure to include any supplements or vitamins, as well.
If you have any questions or concerns, it can be helpful to jot them down before you come to our office. This way, you remember what you wanted to ask in advance so that we can answer your questions.
Review of Your Medical History and Your Overall Health
Before we can plan any oral surgery, it’s important to go over your medical history and get a better picture of your general health. This allows us to plan your treatment, as well as identify and avoid potential risks.
We’ll discuss your chief oral health concerns, as well as any ongoing health concerns. We’ll discuss recent or current illnesses, any past surgeries, and any major medical conditions. These can include conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, and any other condition that can have an effect on your general health. We’ll also talk about any drug allergies you may have, as well as any previous adverse reactions to either local or general anesthesia. Our discussion will include a detailed description of any pain or discomfort that is related to your oral health, and how long these conditions have persisted. If your regular dentist’s office hasn’t sent a current set of x-rays, or if additional views are needed, testing may start with x-rays of your mouth and head.
Learning About Your Procedure
We want to make sure that you understand the procedure you are having. Our staff has informational videos about our procedures that are played for patients at the initial visit. If you have any questions, the assistants or your surgeon can answer these for you.
We’ll go over the things you should do to prepare for your surgery. For instance, patients receiving general anesthesia are usually advised to arrive with an empty stomach. We’ll also talk about which medications you can take that day, whether to remove jewelry before coming, and other issues. You may also be requested to come with a competent driver to take you home after your procedure.
Meeting Your Doctor
After Dr. Soung has been briefed on your current oral health concerns and your medical history, you’ll get a chance to talk to the doctor. Dr. Soung may perform an examination to help evaluate your current oral health.
Dr. Soung will create a treatment plan based on your current health conditions and the treatment you are seeking. We may discuss options such as choices between local and general anesthesia. We’ll also talk about potential risks and complications. You’ll be briefed on how to recognize potential complications and what to do if they occur.
What Happens After the Consult?
During your consultation, the front desk staff will be going over your insurance and the treatment plan. Based on these, they will be able to give you your estimated out-of-pocket cost. We’ll schedule your procedure and let you know what to expect on the day of surgery.
You’ll leave with a post-op informational packet that will summarize what you’ve learned and will tell you what to do on the day of your procedure. You’ll also have an emergency number to keep handy in case you have questions or concerns after your procedure.
At Riverbend Orthodontics and Oral Surgery, we are dedicated to giving you the best care possible. Get in touch for a consultation today.